Your Prescription for Stress! Life Chiropractic and the Vagus Nerve, Your Pathway to Wellness
Recent research is documenting the critical role that the Vagus Nerve has in health and well being. If you’re wondering what the Vagus Nerve is or how it could be so important to...
Attention Grass Valley: If You’re Thinking of Chiropractic Care, You Deserve the Best! Don’t Settle for Anything Less than Corrective Care!
The famous psychologist Abraham Maslow once said: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” You might not think this applies to...
The 3 Keys to Understanding Why the Causes of Fibromyalgia Don’t Matter
Fibromyalgia can be devastating! I’ve been in practice long enough to remember when the medical profession denied its existence. You know what I mean! They would prescribe...
The Top 4 Ways Chiropractic Helps Low Back Pain
If you are struggling with lower back pain, rest assured that you are not alone. Nearly 65 million Americans report a recent episode of back pain and 16 million are limited in...
The 4 Critical Legs to a Successful Anxiety Treatment Program
Do you suffer from anxiety or burnout? You might even be wondering why I would put them together. There's a good reason. They both have a lot of commonality and the path to...
5 Critical Legs to a Successful Grass Valley Chronic Headache Treatment Program
The incidence of migraines and severe headaches is staggering with 1 out of every 6 American adults experiencing a severe headache within 3 months. And, that says nothing about...
Top 3 Ways Chiropractic Can Help You Overcome Asthma
Have you asked yourself, or Google, if chiropractic can help with asthma? And, if chiropractic can help with asthma how can that happen? Those are good questions whether or not...
The Little Known Reason Chiropractic is Perfect for Anxiety
If you suffer with anxiety you are likely desperate for a solution that will ease and resolve your anxiety. Have you wondered if chiropractic can help with anxiety? And, if you...
The 3 Ways Chiropractic can Help Solve Plantar Fasciitis
So, you might wonder if chiropractic can help with plantar fasciitis. That’s reasonable given that the feet are as far from the spine as you can get. You might be surprised at...
3 Core Reasons Chiropractic can Help with High Blood Pressure
Are you curious about whether chiropractic can help with high blood pressure and if it can, how that would work? High blood pressure is one component of heart disease and...
The Number One Key to the Life You Want?…A Healthy Nervous System
I might be making a big assumption here but I don’t think so. I don’t have any idea what you want in life but there is one thing I am sure of…if you aren’t healthy you are much...
The 3 Vital Ways Chiropractic can Help with Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the optic nerve, the most important nerve for proper eye function and vision. The optic nerve is what connects the brain to the eye,...
The 3 Keys to How Chiropractic can Help Your Chronic Pain
To no one’s surprise, chronic pain can put a huge damper on the quality of every aspect of your life. With constant pain, it can be difficult to focus on anything else other than...
The 3 Core Ways Chiropractic can Help You Sleep Better
Are you searching for some help with your sleep? Are you curious if chiropractic can help with your sleep? If you struggle with the quality of your sleep you are not alone. About...
The Top 4 Ways Balancing Chiropractic Helps High Blood Pressure
Do you suffer from high blood pressure? By suffer I mean is your blood pressure high and are you taking medications to lower it? Have you wondered if chiropractic can help with...
Discover the 4 Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Have you ever used something because you wanted a specific outcome and found out that it offered benefits much greater than the outcome you initially wanted? Maybe a skin or hair...
Discover 3 Reasons Why You’re Insane When it Comes to Your Health
Are you passionate about your health? Discover why you may actually be insane when it comes to your health. How do you view our healthcare system? Where does it fit into helping...
Anti-Inflammatories for Arthritis: Are the Rewards Worth the Risk?
Perhaps you have arthritis, whether it’s been labeled DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease) or Osteoarthritis. And, maybe you are taking anti-inflammatories and are considering the...
The Top 7 Whiplash Injury Symptoms and Why they Cause Permanent Damage
Whiplash is a potentially incredibly devastating type of injury that can change your life. Far too often it is taken for granted. People assume “no damage = no injury” meaning...
The Top 7 Whiplash Injury Symptoms and their Long Term Implications
Whiplash injuries always carry with them long term implications. How can I make such a blanket statement? First, there are no absolutes but the vast, vast majority of whiplash...
The Top 5 Things to do for Whiplash Neck Injury Recovery
Long term whiplash symptoms are much more common than you think. A 2005 study found that 71% of people who sustained a whiplash injury still have at least one significant...
The Top 5 Critical Do’s and Don’ts for Whiplash Treatment
More so than most injuries, how you treat Whiplash Injuries and when you start Whiplash Treatment is of utmost importance to your long term recovery and how significant the...
The Top 4 Critical Keys to the Best Whiplash Injury Treatment
If you’ve been involved in a Whiplash Injury it is essential that you receive care as soon as possible after the injury and that the treatment you receive is the best to support...
The Top 5 Reasons Chiropractic Care Helps Anxiety!
You probably don’t associate anxiety relief with chiropractic care. That’s understandable given the public perception of chiropractic and how a large percentage of chiropractors...
The Top 4 Ways Chiropractic Helps Low Back Pain
If you have low back pain you’re not alone. If you haven’t experienced low back pain odds are you will at some point. Research shows that the vast majority of adults will...
The Top 3 Ways Chiropractic Can Help with Anxiety
Maybe you don’t associate anxiety relief with chiropractic and I understand that. But, by the end of this article I think that will change. My goal is to help you understand the...
Is Chiropractic Good for Pinched Nerves? What You Need to Know
What do you think of when you think about chiropractic? Most people equate chiropractic with the back since chiropractors work on the spine. That’s understandable. But, there’s...
2 Sure Signs Your SI Joint is Misaligned and Needs to be Adjusted
Maybe a good place to start would be to define what the SI Joint is and why it is so important before delving into how to figure out if it is misaligned. So, let’s explore a bit....
Chiropractic and Migraines! The Top 3 Ways Chiropractic can Help!
There is a tendency to label any headache that is severe as a migraine. Migraines are typically characterized by a throbbing pain on one side of the head. There are a number of...
Discover 3 Keys to How the Vagus Nerve can Help You Wander Back to Health
Have you searched for information about stress relief and chiropractic? Or, how chiropractic can help with stress by influencing the Vagus Nerve? Or, are you curious about the...
The Top 4 keys to Successful Sciatica Treatment
There’s nothing more painful, uncomfortable and limiting than to experience sciatica. The first step is to identify whether or not what you are experiencing is sciatica. It might...
The 4 Absolutely Essential Steps to Victory over Neck Pain with Chiropractic
It’s one thing to be called “a pain in the neck” and it's quite another to suffer from neck pain. Maybe you’ve wondered about seeking a chiropractor for neck pain. Let’s explore...
The 3 Essential Keys to Solving the Challenge of Neck Pain
The neck is an incredibly delicate structure and our modern life literally abuses the neck, so it's no wonder so many people experience chronic neck pain. Like most chronic pain,...
Discover the 4 Disturbing Ways Whiplash Injury to the Neck Last Forever
Often “Whiplash” injuries seem insignificant at the time. Many patients I’ve cared for have related that they didn’t get hurt or didn’t need care or since they walked away from...
Discover the Top 4 Essential Keys to the Best Treatment to Whiplash Injury to the Neck
If you’ve read any of my other articles or seen my posts you should know by now how critical it is to aggressively treat whiplash injuries from the beginning. Symptoms from...
The Number One Reason Chiropractors are the Best Choice for Whiplash Injuries
A little research about whiplash will leave you dazed and confused. You will find information claiming you will recover in 3 to 5 days and other information talking about chronic...
The Top 8 Whiplash Injury Symptoms and Why they Cause Permanent Damage
Far too many people involved in a car accident take their whiplash injury symptoms seriously. Even more dangerous are those people who do not experience immediate pain and assume...
Can Chiropractic Help with Arthritis? Why Drugs Make Arthritis Worse
It seems like an inflammatory headline about the drugs prescribed for arthritis making the condition worse. But, unfortunately while it is sad it is also true. Why would doctors...
Can Chiropractic Help with Arthritis? What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know!
Arthritis perhaps more than most conditions only worsens with time. To keep this simple we are talking here about the most common arthritis called Degenerative Joint Disease...
The 4 Critical Ways Chiropractic Can Help Your Arthritis Pain
While there are more than 100 different forms of arthritis including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, and lupus; the focus of this...
Does chiropractic care help arthritis? What You Need to Know
Arthritis can be a confusing topic with all the different types of arthritis. What is good for it, what could hurt it, what is not worth doing? All great questions to answer. The...
Chiropractic treatment and Arthritis! What could be better for Arthritis?
Is chiropractic treatment good for arthritis? That’s an excellent question that most people really don’t understand. So, let’s explore the topic. In this article we’re primarily...
The 3 Critical Ways to Getting the Greatest Benefit from Chiropractic Care
In my more than 35 years of chiropractic practice I’m continually taken aback by people’s combination of a lack of understanding of chiropractic along with their inability to...
3 Reasons Why a Pharmaceutical Solution can’t Solve a Mechanical Problem
We’re talking about health here but the principle applies everywhere in life. If you have a problem or challenge the only effective solution is to correct whatever is causing the...
Are chiropractic neck adjustments safe? The facts, just the facts!
Let’s jump in with the $1 Million question! Are chiropractic neck adjustments safe? Maybe you’ve been wondering. Perhaps it's an issue that has caused hesitation in you or...
Discover the 4 Surprise Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Don’t you love surprises when they’re good? Something you didn’t expect but is as good or better than what you were looking for or expecting. For some people chiropractic is like...
Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt? Why the Alternative is More Painful
When I started practice many years ago the medical profession was hardly accepting of chiropractic. It was a strange time. Medical doctors didn’t believe in chiropractic. What’s...
The 3 Critical Keys to Fixing Mechanical Problems Causing Stress and Pain
Are you experiencing a challenge with chronic or recurrent neck or back pain? And, have you primarily resorted to pain medication, anti-inflammatories, ice or heat? That’s one...
The 4 Critical Ways Chiropractic can Help Arthritis Pain
The most common type of arthritis is called osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis. It’s caused by wear and tear over time. What most people don’t appreciate or understand is...
The Top 4 Ways Your Doctors are Robbing Your Health
Right up front I want to let you know my intention is to be bold and get your attention. I have nothing but respect for the majority of medical doctors who have committed their...