About Us
I’m Dr. Bill, here’s my story…
Life is quite the journey. As one of my favorite bands sings “What a long strange trip it’s been”. Ain’t that the truth!
The course of my life changed suddenly and drastically with a head-on car crash at age 18. My head struck and broke the windshield. I didn’t know it at the time but my life took on a completely different trajectory.
A year later, suffering with severe fatigue, chronic headaches, digestion problemss, as well as neck and back pain, a family friend cared enough to refer me to her chiropractor. I had no idea what a chiropractor was or what they did.
That very first visit offered me an experience of that innate wisdom within my body and its amazing capacity for healing. I haven’t looked back.

Dr. Bill Berkowitz
“Give Me Music, Connection and Nature and I’m Happy”
The more I travel this journey we call life, the clearer things get. I used to chase after all sorts of stuff thinking it would bring happiness.
I know now that for me feeling full and grateful and happy is a really simple recipe. Certainly, there are nuances but the basic ingredients are pretty darn simple.
Live Music more now than ever feeds me, nourishes, brings a smile to my face, and shifts my body into a state of ease. There’s something special about live art.
Connection is something I’ve come to realize is an essential for a full life. Connection first with myself! Connection with others on an authentic level! Connection with nature! Aaaahhh!
I mentioned Nature above. The more often I get myself exposed to nature and let go of whatever else is going on the more I feel an amazing ease and peace.
What floats your boat?
“From Pre-Law to Pre-Med”
My experience with the amazing healing that initiated with chiropractic care led me to realize it was my life’s calling. Over the too many years than I like to count I’ve had a thirst to explore, experience and share health and the body’s innate capacity for self-regulation and self-healing.
I see tremendous challenges in our culture when it comes to health. Too many to discuss here. The biggest impediment comes from a misunderstanding of what health is, where it comes from, and how it works.

“Dr. Berkowitz is wonderful. His technique is very precise and gentle. He finds the exact pressure points to help release tight muscles which helps your body realign itself. He does great manual adjustments but with a minimum of jerking movements. Would absolutely recommend 100%.”
– Karen L.
My core philosophy of health is this:
I feel very strongly that when you work with any type of health provider that you feel comfortable with their philosophy of health and how they view and interface with you. Not just your body but all of you. Do you trust not just what they are doing but why?
Here’s a bit of what I believe that colors the how and why of what I do to support my clients greater expression of health.
Health isn’t about doing something to the body, it’s the body’s natural state. Help the body clear interference and greater health is always the result. Provide the right conditions and the body will naturally strive for greater health.
When we approach the body with an understanding of this and have a predictable and repeatable method to release interference, results follow. I’ve refined this approach over my decades of study and clinical practice.
I wanted a method that consistently produced greater health, greater well-being, and more ease. I wanted it for me, for my friends, for my family, and for those people who deeply desire a greater expression of health.
You Are Perfect!
You have within You ALL you need to experience a dramatic shift in your expression of health and vitality! It’s your body and you are amazing! Join me and learn how to trust in, and experience the innate wisdom of your own biology!
Come learn and experience the empowerment and liberty of Vitalism.
Experience an ever increasing expression of ease, presence, health, and vitality when your system is free of interference. Experience trust in your innate wisdom, and in the process think and act independently about health and life.
Health Emerges from Ease Not Struggle
It’s near impossible to achieve health within a cultural system that views health and healthcare as a series of battles within one long war. We’ve gone to war with microbes and cancer and a host of ‘diseases’ as we’ve viewed both health and its loss as something that comes from outside of us. The natural result is to think of the solution as something that also comes from outside us.
The truth is quite different. Medical care is not healthcare. It does some very wonderful things and saves many lives….but it has nothing to do with health. In my model you cannot achieve health by putting all your focus on illness and disease.
As a result people have surrendered their power to a system focused on symptoms, illness, and disease. Even if you are successful at eliminating them all, the end result is NOT health.
A good analogy is depression. Give a severely depressed individual an anti-depressant and alleviate their depression. The result might be that they are less depressed but that still doesn’t equate with a state of joy, fulfillment, and connection.
Health is our natural state. It emerges gracefully and naturally when we can remove any impediments to our body’s ability to monitor and respond to its state.
If what I’ve shared resonates with you, sounds right, or simply makes sense, here’s my invitation.
Continue Your Journey to Greater Health and Well-being
Schedule Your Consultation. What you receive when you join me is a method that is Gentle, Specific, Scientific, Precise, and Accurate. More importantly, it gets results!

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Clinic Info
1200 E MAIN ST #B
Grass Valley, California 95945
Call Us: (530) 559-6457
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