What is Structural Correction and Why Is It Important for Relief of Chronic Pain?

Look, I know you’re not new to experiencing pain, but sometimes when you delve deeply into something, you lose track of the finer details of how to go about not only correcting a problem but also taking measures to keep it from coming back.

Next thing you know, you’re too frustrated and skeptical to ask for advice. 

Don’t worry, that’s what this article and I are for. 

I will explain Structural Correction and why you need to know all about it to succeed in overcoming chronic pain ranging from headaches to neck pain to low back pain and sciatica.

What is the Difference between Traditional Chiropractic and Corrective Chiropractic?

At its most basic, Corrective Chiropractic is the practice of chiropractic focused on restoring proper alignment, restoring motion, and bringing the structure and nervous system of the body back into balance. 

Let’s add a little more depth to that – neck and back pain are a combination of a neurological imbalance combined with a structural imbalance.

And finally, for those subject matter experts among you, when imbalances exist in the spine and pelvis it puts stress on the delicate nervous system causing the body to compensate in an effort to maintain as much balance as possible.

If you’re only at the first level of understanding, rest assured, you will grasp this in much more depth as we dive deeper..

Do you want to learn more from me?  Explore the Life Chiropractic Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels.

Why Should You Care About Structural Correction?

I’m all about self-responsibility in health care, and I can’t make you care about Corrective Chiropractic, but let me give you some compelling reasons to consider the role it might play in your personal health.

Structural Correction is important because:

  • Reason #1: The skeleton of the body, like any mechanical structure, works best when it is in a state of balance.
  • Reason #2: Imbalance is the largest contributing factor to long term development of spinal arthritis and the epidemic of hip and knee replacements.
  • Reason #3: Pain is a sign of imbalance and the majority of the time if we can restore greater balance we can alleviate chronic pain.

Important: Don’t think that taking pain and anti-inflammatory medication is going to solve your chronic pain. It might give you relief but long term it is likely to worsen your developing arthritis.

The truth is, you can only solve a mechanical problem with a mechanical solution. This is why medication is never going to solve a chronic neck or back pain issue.

Imbalance in Context 

How structural imbalance affects you is just as important as understanding what exactly imbalance is and why it’s essential to restore balance

Let me give you a real-world example:

Let’s take an analogy of a vehicle. You put brand new tires on the car but fail to align the front end or balance the wheels. It’s not so bad that you can’t drive straight. You stop after 100 miles and check the tires. No observable wear. But, 20,000 miles later you need to replace those tires that have a 50,000 mile warranty. 

If your body is out of balance it causes excess wear and tear on your joints. It causes tightening and spasming of muscles that are attempting to maintain as much balance as possible. And, it’s a waste of energy that could be used much more productively.

Here’s the link to this post: Facebook Post

My client Mary benefitted from restoring balance and it has allowed her to return to running and other activities without the hip pain she had been experiencing for 10 years.  And, she’s no spring chicken as someone in her 50s. She didn’t think it was possible for her to overcome this chronic pain, she just knew that the medical alternatives didn’t make sense. She’s back fully participating in life with all the tools she needs to stay in balance. 

Tips for Getting back to Balance

Raise your hand if you are feeling a little lost about where to go with this. Be honest! 🙋‍♀️

That’s no problem; here are some extra hints and tips to get you on your way:

  • Tip #1: As with anything you are not familiar with and knowledgeable about, it helps to have a guide to help identify your core imbalances, and help you correct them. 
  • Tip #2: Remember to find a practitioner whose focus is on correction and has multiple tools to help you restore structural and neurological balance. 
  • Tip #3: If you are in Nevada County, CA schedule an initial History and Exam with Dr. Bill Berkowitz at Life Chiropractic in Grass Valley. Here is a scheduling link:  Schedule Here

Key Takeaways

Let’s wrap this up, shall we? The key takeaways to remember from this post are that the majority of chronic neck pain, headaches, back pain, and sciatica originate with a structural imbalance and the only way to solve a structural problem is with a structural solution.

At LIFE CHIROPRACTIC of Grass Valley, I make it my mission to help people overcome chronic pain and return to the life they love. 

If you would like to find out how I might help you, please drop me a line here mailto:lifechiropracticgv@gmail.com. I love hearing from people motivated to take responsibility for their health.

 About Dr. Berkowitz  

Bringing more than 3 decades of practice experience, Dr. Bill Berkowitz focuses on balancing and corrective care, applying his expertise to provide patients with predictable, repeatable and measurable results.

Dr. Bill consistently strives to enhance the well-being of his patients by addressing the root imbalances of their problems and promoting optimal balance, alignment, and function of the spine and nervous system.  

Bill’s wealth of knowledge and experience has allowed him to develop a nuanced understanding of the human body and its intricate connections. With each adjustment, he supports the body in returning to a state of balance that goes beyond mere symptom relief, focusing instead on long-term correction for his patients’ well-being. 

Make sure to subscribe to Dr Berkowitz’s social media pages where he regularly posts tips, insights and valuable information.

Facebook: Life Chiropractic Facebook

YouTube: Life Chiropractic YouTube

Instagram: Life Chiropractic Instagram

Blog: https://lifewithinchiropractic.com/blog/

Schedule your first visit here: Schedule Here