The 4 Critical Questions to Ask When Looking for Gentle Chiropractic Care

I’ve been in clinical chiropractic practice for more than 35 years and perhaps the biggest hindrance to people taking advantage of chiropractic is their fear of getting hurt. I have a woman who visits the office weekly for wellness care that relates that her strong, physical husband is afraid of chiropractic.

One of the first things I think you should consider when looking for a chiropractor is someone who is skilled in a range of techniques and uses everything from very light force to more traditional care. 

Regardless of the technique or force used, chiropractic should not cause pain. Sometimes as long standing patterns of tension and tightness are released there is some soreness that comes with muscles starting to work that haven’t been active in a long time. 

And, I understand if you desire gentle care. 

I have some people that come to me and I never use more than an ounce or two of pressure on them. Some I use only my hands. Others I use a manual instrument and for others I will use a powered instrument. Drop tables and toggle pieces allow minimal force as well. 

Keep in mind that what you are looking for are results. You likely want some chronic annoying or painful issue corrected so you can get back to doing all the activities you do without limitation. I get it!

Here’s a post I did on chiropractic: Chiropractic Explained.

Most of the people I see respond to different levels of force at different times and in different places. 

4 Critical Questions for Gentle Chiropractic Care

Question #1: How is the adjustment delivered? Have you had chiropractic care that really worked well for you? If so then you probably want someone who can deliver the adjustment in a similar way. 

Do you want a chiropractor who uses an instrument or would you rather not have an instrument used? Would you prefer a gentle application with hands or do you prefer the speed and gentleness of a drop table. 

There is a wide range of options available and I suggest you stay open to different methods at different times. While some people I see prefer the same method every time the majority benefit from techniques that are personalized each visit. 

Question #2: Do you focus on the Upper Cervical Spine and Pelvis? In my experience the power of gentle chiropractic care is experienced with a primary focus on the upper cervical spine and pelvis. These are the two areas where the covering of the spinal cord is tethered to the bones of the spine.

Any tension in these areas can impact the entire body. These are also areas that initially respond best to very gentle adjusting techniques. 

Question #3: Do you adjust full spine and the extremities? Some chiropractors who use gentle techniques limit their care to the very top of the neck or the pelvis. While I’ve already emphasized the upper cervical spine and pelvis in my experience the entire spine should be addressed. 

The reason for chiropractic care is to remove tension and interference from the nervous system so the body can better express health. The entire spine from the base of the skull to the tip of the tailbone is connected to your nervous system. 

Question #4: Do you care for infants and the elderly? Why would you ask this question if that is not what you are looking for? Because both of those populations require very different types of care. Stay away from chiropractors that care for infants and toddlers with the same approach they use with others. This question will often give you insight into a chiropractor’s skill level without directly asking about it. 

I completely understand any fear or hesitancy around receiving what many think of as the traditional adjustment. The reality is that different chiropractors have different skill levels so if you have had a negative experience share that with the chiropractor. Ask them how they will avoid repeating that experience with you. 

Look up their reviews and if you can speak to a patient of theirs. I’m always surprised at people treating chiropractic as the same service from one chiropractor to another. I’m very careful in choosing any provider for my health. I chose my dentist based on the recommendation of a friend. 

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