Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From a Big Result & Overcoming Chronic Pain

You know what?

There’s a whole lot of misinformation on what I like to call mechanical problems, which is why it’s easy to feel defeated when you’re doing everything “right” and still not getting results.

What are typical mechanical problems?

Neck pain, Low Back pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Arm pain and numbness, Anxiety and more…

Before I learned how to correct structural imbalances, I found myself doing the same adjustments over and over and over on people and while they improved there was always a limit to their recovery.

Don’t get me wrong here! My traditional chiropractic care was head and shoulders above the medical approach to medicate and inject. And, far beyond the Physical Therapy approach of ultrasound, e-stim, and the same exercises they give to everyone with your pain pattern. 

Expert #1 would say do the traditional course of care and seek out specialists and expert #2 would say to give traditional chiropractic a short 2 week trial.. 

Many people think that learning to live with pain and accepting your limitations is the best way to deal with chronic conditions because the commonly accepted belief is that it is permanent. 

One need only look to the opioid crisis to see the commonly accepted belief that pain is permanent and the best avenue short of surgery is to block it with powerful and addictive drugs. 

Others hold out that there is something that can be done but have no idea what that might be, making it hard for them to navigate the possibilities. 

I learned that while some chronic pain is permanent, it can almost always be modified and reduced. And, a significant amount of the time it can be diminished enough that it no longer is a constant limitation in one’s life.

You absolutely should NOT accept your chronic neck pain, back pain, headaches as “you

I’ve had significant injuries dating back many decades. They have resulted in disc degeneration and degenerative arthritis in my neck, mid back, and low back. I rarely take any medication of any kind and only for a short duration when I have to. 

I’m committed and motivated to continue to stay active and do the things I love – hiking, camping, downhill skiing….

No matter what I did, I still couldn’t escape the almost constant low grade pain accompanied by the periodic flare ups.. 

Once I finally started to integrate the components of what I now call my Corrective Rebalancing Program I experienced what I can best describe as a marked improvement in my balance and stability. 

You can do it too!

Read on for some sneaky limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from overcoming your chronic pain, and how to turn them into your superpowers.  

Limiting Belief #1: It’s Permanent

The medical profession has plenty of limiting beliefs and they simply pass them on to you. If an x-ray shows arthritis it is considered permanent and there is nothing you can do. If there is a disc bulge the only remedy to change it in the minds of physicians is surgery. 

Look at how they typically treat these challenges. They prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medications. All these do is cover up the symptoms at best. And, the anti-inflammatory medications have been shown to further damage the cartilage and worsen arthritis.

How to turn it into your superpower

First, challenge your belief. After all, it’s just a belief and you have no proof that it’s reality (spoiler: it’s NOT)

Ask yourself why you think you need to go it alone and why you need to accept an opinion that limits you like that. Is it that you don’t believe in the capacity of your body to heal? It has healed from many problems over the years. Why might it not be able to improve now?

Once you have the answers, think about what it would be like to do the opposite. What would it be like to have help? Would it make it feel as though you might have an opportunity for improvement?

You don’t have to take action now. Just let it sit with you and try to broaden your perspective.  Keep challenging yourself. 

When you’re ready, try reaching out for help. Here are a few resources available:

Limiting Belief #2 – “I’ve tried everything”

“I’ll get to researching my options as soon as I find some time.” 

Sound familiar?

We all have a list of things we need to do, and in what order we want to do them.

But if you’ve been procrastinating on a specific task for weeks or months, it’s probably time to re-prioritize.

Do you really need to do extensive research before you tackle your pain? And, if you do what is stopping you?

It’s common to avoid taking action out of fear that nothing is going to change it. 

But you know what?

If you don’t do something different it’s unlikely you will experience anything different. A famous quote attributed to Einstein is “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results”.

This is your life we are talking about. If there is a chance of improving how you function, how you perform, and your level of pain do you want to explore that?

How to turn it into your superpower

Make a commitment to yourself to continue to explore your options. Outside of mainstream medicine there are some amazing healers and practitioners.

  • Continue to research
  • Find local and national Facebook Groups and ask questions. What kind of practitioner did they see, what did the practitioner do, and what were their results?
  • Ask people for referrals. Ask them to tell you their story.

Limiting Belief #3: “I Can’t Afford it”

How many times have you not even explored an opportunity out of the belief that it was something you could not afford?

You’re not alone. This is another belief that comes from a place of fear, and we all have them.

I get it. Everything is expensive. But, if you aren’t willing to spend money on yourself what is the message you are giving yourself?

The problem with this belief is that it can prevent you from taking action. Often time costs seem much bigger than they really are. Look at the cost spread out over months or a year and it’s not that much.

How to turn it into your superpower

Take inventory of your finances. Maybe you can afford it. If not, why not make a plan to save the money over the next few months?

You can absolutely find a way to pay for the care that might be the difference between chronic pain and feeling much better!

You’re making great progress!

It’s time to turn your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs! If you find yourself procrastinating on taking action to overcome your chronic neck pain, headaches, back pain, anxiety, think about what may be holding you back. Write down 10 limiting beliefs, and don’t be afraid to see them on paper. 

We all have them, remember? It’s what you do with them that counts. 

Will you push through and keep going? You bet you will! 

When you are ready to take the first step to overcoming your pain you can schedule your first visit to Life Chiropractic in Grass Valley, CA here: Schedule Here