Vagal tone refers to the activity of the Vagus Nerve (10th Cranial Nerve) of the Parasympathetic Nervous System of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). 

The balance of the Autonomic Nervous System is critical for all aspects of health, healing, and well-being. The ANS consists of two balancing divisions:

  • Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS): often referred to as the “fight or flight” system, this division responds to stress in effort to protect us. The problem is that in modern life the stresses come too frequently and last too long. Over time we begin to live in a state of Sympathetic activity called Sympathetic Dominance. This results in a number of undesirable consequences:
    • Increased muscle tension and pain
    • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
    • Systemic inflammation
    • Interference with quality sleep
    • Anxiety
    • Impaired immune response
  • Vagus Nerve of the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS): often referred to as the “rest and digest” system. The Vagus Nerve is associated or responsible for the body processes that support long term physical and emotional health and well being such as:
    • Lowered heart rate
    • Lowered respiratory rate
    • Reduced muscle tension and pain
    • Reduced inflammation
    • Restorative sleep
    • Human connection

When the Sympathetic System (SNS) becomes overactive it has an inhibiting effect on the Vagus Nerve. Over time the Vagus Nerve becomes less and less active. This is the physiological state that leads to the chronic degenerative illnesses and diseases so rampant in our country and the world:

  • High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Digestion Issues like ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, acid reflux
  • Impaired Immune System and chronic illness
  • Anxiety


The Vagus Nerve

The research documenting the importance of the Vagus Nerve in health is all over the health news these days. You can find all sorts of electronic Vagus Nerve Stimulators for sale. While there is value in these products they fail to give you control over your nervous system and leave you dependent on a piece of equipment.

I have purchased multiple versions of these units and have found that they don’t come close to the benefits of learning how to self-regulate your nervous system. We will discuss how to increase the tone or strength of your Vagus Nerve below.


Chiropractic and the Vagus Nerve

Corrective chiropractic care helps remove sources of irritation that can lower the function or tone of the Vagus Nerve. 

The vagus nerve passes in front of the top vertebrae in the neck. Misalignment in the upper neck involving the occiput, C1, and C2 can have a profound impact on the vagus nerve. Correcting these areas is crucial to helping normalize vagus nerve function.

The pelvis is also an area that can impact the parasympathetic nervous system and the vagus nerve. Restoring balance and alignment to the upper neck and pelvis helps remove irritation that often lowers vagus nerve function.

The mid and lower back (thoracic and lumbar spine) are areas that tend to cause an increase in activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Adjusting these areas are important to lowering sympathetic activity.


Conscious Breathwork for the Vagus Nerve

Given the stress load that most of us encounter living in our culture, the vagus nerve tends to become inhibited over long periods of time. It is almost always not enough simply to remove the irritation to the autonomic nervous system. 

The vagus nerve always benefits from activating it regularly in order to increase the tone of the vagus nerve. With ANS imbalance there are almost always dysfunctional breathing patterns that activate the sympathetic system.

Breathwork can help install more beneficial breathing patterns in addition to specific practices that help raise the tone of the vagus nerve. As you activate the vagus nerve to a healthier level some of the common benefits are:

  • Reduced stress
  • Enhanced mental clarity
  • Improved mood
  • Better digestion
  • Balanced emotional state

If you are ready to explore chiropractic you can schedule at Life Chiropractic in Grass Valley here: Schedule Here.