Can Chiropractic Help with Arthritis? Why Drugs Make Arthritis Worse

It seems like an inflammatory headline about the drugs prescribed for arthritis making the condition worse. But, unfortunately while it is sad it is also true. 

Why would doctors recommend or prescribe drugs that are likely to worsen the very condition for which they are used? I have no idea! You’ll have to ask them. In the meantime let’s explore arthritis, what the drugs do, and whether and how chiropractic can help. 

The common Osteoarthritis is frequently treated with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. A recent study looking at osteoarthritis of the knee found that users of these drugs were likely to experience an increased loss of joint space. That’s a nice way of saying increased arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation suggests you approach arthritis medications with caution for a number of sobering reasons:

  • The risks of arthritis medications are not clear but they are very real. Medicine likes to call these risks “side-effects” but I often point out there are only effects, some being unwanted.
  • The numbers the pharmaceutical companies use to describe risks can be deceiving, intentionally so.
  • Newer isn’t better as newer drugs list more risks.
  • Some risks include infection, bone loss, and liver toxicity

We all should know that every drug, even common over-the-counter medications come with risks. Were you aware that Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the leading cause of acute liver failure? 

But, we make the assumption when a drug is recommended for arthritis that the drug will not make the arthritis worse! We understand it won’t make it better but making it worse seems insane. 


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) do one thing for arthritis and one thing only. They cover up the pain of arthritis. They do absolutely nothing to address the arthritis itself, nothing to slow down or change the development of the arthritis. 

When we are talking about knee and hip arthritis medicine has two primary approaches; medications and joint replacement. There really isn’t another approach they take. 

But….what if there was something you could do?

Did you know that exercise has been found to be the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and increasing movement in people with osteoarthritis? But, there’s a way to gain more benefit from exercise. 

What Causes Osteoarthritis or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)?

Both osteoarthritis and DJD are different names for the same condition. This is arthritis that has developed due to added stress that has accelerated the wear of the joints. This is why this arthritis is often referred to as “wear and tear” arthritis. 

So, what causes this wear and tear?

Trauma can often be the start, from athletic and work injuries to car accidents. But, the arthritis doesn’t develop until years later. Trauma might be the initiator but the real cause is…


Allow me to introduce an analogy. If you put new tires on your vehicle but never rotated the tires what would you expect? Those tires would wear faster and more unevenly than had you taken the time every 5k miles to have them rotated. 

Much the same happens with our joints. 

If we are out of balance the result in uneven stress to the joints. Every step you take puts different levels of force into the knees, hips, pelvis, and lower back. Each step might be a minimal difference but over the thousands of steps each day for years it adds up. 

This is why arthritic degeneration develops in some areas much more than in other areas. The arthritis develops in joints that undergo more stress. 

How Can Chiropractic Help?

Osteoarthritis is largely an issue of a mechanical imbalance. It really doesn’t matter where that imbalance came from. The imbalance causes altered joint movements and over time the uneven joint motions result in an accelerated breakdown of the joints. This causes inflammation of nerves in and around the joints and results in pain. 

If this degenerative process starts and is caused by poor joint movement or mechanics then logically that should be the first place to try to correct the imbalance. 

What is the purpose of chiropractic care and how does it work?

The focus of chiropractic is to help bring the body back into a state of balance. This balance involves a few components:

  • Neurological Balance: the intention is to remove tension, irritation, and interference from the nervous system. With greater neurological balance there is less pain.
  • Structural Balance: we want the pelvis, shoulders, and head to be level. Let’s focus on the pelvis. If it is unlevel it is transmitting uneven forces up into the low back and back to the hips. 
  • Joint Motion Balance: joints exist to provide for movement. They are akin to the hinges of a door. If those hinges didn’t move then the door wouldn’t work. In the body when one joint loses some or all of its motion other joints have to compensate by moving more. It’s most often these joints that become painful and ultimately arthritic in an attempt to stabilize that excess movement. 

As a chiropractor I am always examining my clients for all three of these. I want to see structural balance achieved really early on. If their pelvis becomes balanced I know there is less stress to both the hips as well as the lumbar spine.

From there the focus is more on the restoration of proper joint motion. The more restricted the movement is and the longer it has been that way the more repetition we will need to restore motion to the maximum. If you have tight muscles one stretching session is not going to do the trick. You need to stretch regularly over a period of time. 

In our culture we either don’t understand or have forgotten that everything to do with health and wellness is a process. What that means is it takes time. Arthritis takes a long time to develop and for almost everyone it means ignoring those repeated episodes of pain along the way until it becomes unbearable. 

The same holds true for restoring proper function and health. It is a process that takes time. If you have been told you have DJD or suspect that is the case do not delay doing something about it until it is too late. 

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