Why Eliminating Back Pain is the Absolutely Wrong Goal!

Why Eliminating Back Pain is the Absolutely Wrong Goal!

I work hard to help all my clients get out of pain as quickly as possible and return to all the activities they love. But, if eliminating back pain is the goal, there is a really good chance you will not get the outcome you want.  Why? Because pain is rarely the...
Fibromyalgia vs CFS: The Number One Reason it Doesn’t Matter

Fibromyalgia vs CFS: The Number One Reason it Doesn’t Matter

How could I say it doesn’t matter if what you have is Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? One reason is that these are labels for constellations of symptoms for which there is no diagnostic test or any medical treatment to correct them. The CDC describes CFS/ME...
The 3 Essential Keys to Gaining a Foothold on Your Stress

The 3 Essential Keys to Gaining a Foothold on Your Stress

The first thing to realize is that stress is much different and much more than you realize. When most of us think of stress we think of just the emotional stress we experience with work deadlines, relationship challenges, and all that comes with our busy, hectic...
Chronic Stress is Killing You: 5 Immediate Steps to Deal with It

Chronic Stress is Killing You: 5 Immediate Steps to Deal with It

That sounds like a bit of overkill, an outright exaggeration doesn’t it? The National Institute of Health has stated that “research shows that almost every system in the body can be influenced by chronic stress”. If we take a look at the nervous system we find more...