Discover The top 4 Critical Ways Chiropractic Relieves Tension

Discover The top 4 Critical Ways Chiropractic Relieves Tension

Are you experiencing stress and tension? One really fascinating aspect of stress or tension or anxiety or worry is that it creeps up on you. In the beginning of the buildup of stress or tension it actually feels good.  Stress can be energizing, focusing, and help you...
The Number One Reason Chiropractic is the Best Antidote to Stress

The Number One Reason Chiropractic is the Best Antidote to Stress

Have you ever heard the saying “Stress kills” and thought it was a bit overblown? Well, it really isn’t. Chronic stress is linked to six leading causes of death including heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. The next...
The Number One Key to Sciatica Pain Relief

The Number One Key to Sciatica Pain Relief

If you are looking for sciatica pain relief you are not alone. According to the Mayo Clinic there are more than 3 million cases a year in the US. They also describe it as resolving within months. Months! Who has months to suffer from sciatica pain?  Before we get...
The Top 3 Essential Keys to Solving Sciatica with Chiropractic

The Top 3 Essential Keys to Solving Sciatica with Chiropractic

Not all pain down the leg is created equal! Much of the leg pain that people show up with in my office isn’t actually sciatica. And, that’s a good thing. It ends up being much easier to correct. Whether your leg pain is truly sciatica or not the 3 keys we will discuss...