When is the Best Time to Start Chiropractic?

Are you struggling to find the best time to explore the possibility of chiropractic care? 

I’m willing to bet you’ve given it thought many times but it just seems to fall by the wayside. Or, maybe you’ve been to a chiropractor for a visit or two here or there but never followed through. . 

And when you can finally decide it’s something you are going to do, it only makes you feel more defeated because, let’s face it, the reasons why you’re considering chiropractic aren’t going anywhere. 

Don’t worry! You’re not alone. 

One of the biggest challenges people face is finding the balance between their everyday “life” activities from work to family to plan and finding the time to take care of ourselves.

It’s hard to stay motivated to start a program of chiropractic when you’re literally squeezing in a half hour here and there to get everything on the day’s list done, but never really “all-in”.

Speaking from experience, overcoming physical challenges and committing to care for oneself  takes effort. And TIME.

So how – and when – can you find enough time for taking care of your structure and neurology with corrective Chiropractic? 

Keep reading… 

Best Time to Start Chiropractic:

Sometimes you simply have to decide the value you place on yourself and your well being and what are the most significant actions you can take to support that.

If you are experiencing stiffness, aches, neck or back pain, headaches, hip or leg pain, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, they are all signs of structural imbalances causing stress to your nervous system. And, choosing to explore chiropractic would be a wise choice. 

Exploring chiropractic before you lose more and more function has 3 big benefits:

  • Benefit #1 – You can experience what it is like to bring balance back to your body.
  • Benefit #2 – You will feel the shift and release of stress and tension starting to leave your body.
  • Benefit #3 – You can find out if you have experienced any degenerative changes and start to slow down that process.

If you’re not prone to starting new self care programs you might experience some internal resistance to going to a chiropractor.. 

But the benefits can be amazing. Try talking to friends and co-workers who see a chiropractor on a regular basis even though they aren’t in pain. This will give you some insight into the benefits they experience.

Plus, studies show that chiropractic can play a big role in promoting wellness. The top 5 researched benefits of chiropractic care have been shown to be:

  1. PAIN REDUCTION: Multiple research studies have shown that chiropractic is considered one of the most safe and effective treatments to reduce pain from your neck, low back, and more. Even if you are suffering from spinal stenosis, disc herniations, or foraminal encroachment- chiropractic may be able to help. 
  2. REDUCED FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, & SEVERITY OF HEADACHES: The second health benefit of chiropractic care, especially important if you have struggled with chronic headaches. Researchers have discovered that chiropractic care can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. 
  3. IMPROVED FUNCTION AND QUALITY OF LIFE: getting back to your active lifestyle, and improving your quality of life is one of the proven benefits of chiropractic care.
  4. REDUCED MEDICATION USAGE: Researchers have discovered that people who receive chiropractic care are 49% less likely to fill an opioid prescription. “patients who visited a chiropractor for a musculoskeletal pain condition were 49% less likely to receive an opioid prescription than their counterparts who went to other healthcare providers.” MedScape- Chiropractic Care Tied to Significant Reduction in Opioid Scripts
  5. IMPROVED SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Did you know that every major sports team has a chiropractor available to their athletes to help with injury prevention and sports performance? 

There are plenty of other documented benefits from improvement in asthma to better sleep and better immune system function. 

Another reason to consider making chiropractic part of your wellness care?

Let’s briefly talk about why chiropractic is so impactful. It really isn’t about the neck or back. It is ALL about the nervous system. Your nervous system monitors, controls, and coordinates all body functions. 

Doesn’t it make sense that if there is stress, tension, or interference to the nervous system that your body will not function as well as it should?

Need help understanding how this all happens?

You may be interested in this post I made about stress and it’s impact on health:

Here’s the link to that post: Stress, Inflammation, and Disease

Best Time for Chiropractic Care is Before You Really Need It!

If you are struggling to understand the role of chiropractic in helping you be your best think for a minute about how you care for any mechanical object. Like your vehicle. Hopefully you practice preventative maintenance on your car or truck. Because you know it is much easier and cheaper than to face a huge repair bill.

The structure of your body – specifically your spine and pelvis – that protects your delicate nervous system is no different. It does better if you keep it working well.

You just have to give it a try. We all know how easy it is to procrastinate, right?

For example, if you schedule time for a complimentary consultation with the doctor of chiropractic you can come armed with all your questions and learn a great deal in 15 minutes.

Don’t let those other tasks distract you or linger on! It’s too easy to get pulled into the “I’ll do it when life calms down a bit” rut.

It may help to make a Ben Franklin decision sheet. Draw a line down the middle of the page. On one side list all the possible benefits of chiropractic care. 

This might have things like:

  • Less pain
  • Fewer headaches
  • Less tension
  • More ease
  • Less stress
  • Better sleep

On the other side list the possible negatives:

  • Costs too much 
  • It will hurt
  • Takes too much time
  • Won’t work for me

 That can actually help shift your decision making and help you get clarity on something that might seem fuzzy and confusing.

Best Time for Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is misunderstood by the majority of people. You really have to experience chiropractic care beyond pain relief to understand what that means.

Just this morning I saw a regular patient who chooses to come in every few weeks for wellness care. 



Because her experience has been that she feels better, performs better, experiences dramatically lowered stress, and rarely gets sick since being under regular chiropractic care.

Most people associate chiropractors as back doctors and that’s understandable. 

But, the reality is that Corrective Care Chiropractors are much more Nervous System Doctors. What does that mean?

The Nervous System is responsible for monitoring all body functions, regulating the body, and repairing and healing. Pretty important stuff. 

What gets in the way of health? Stress is the best descriptor although it is much more encompassing than what we typically think of stress. It includes:

  • Emotional Stress – the “classic stress” from work, health, finances, family, relationships
  • Physical Stress – repetitive positions and movements, accumulated injuries, posture
  • Chemical Stress – all the unnatural chemicals we are exposed to in the air, water, food, medications
  • Technological Stress – our exposure to electrical and magnetic fields and our use of screens and narrow spectrum lighting

What does Chiropractic do?

Chiropractic helps release the tension and interference on the nervous system caused by our lifestyle of stress. 

Personally, ever since my first adjustment many decades ago I’ve experienced that my body functions better under regular chiropractic care. For many people, as a result of chiropractic they have more energy. Others sleep better. Almost everyone experiences more ease, more relaxation, and less stress.

So, the best time to start Chiropractic Care…

…is when you want to start caring for your body and yourself proactively.

This is especially true if you have any history of recurrent challenges from neck and back pain, headaches, low energy, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, etc.

It’s also easier to take care of these issues and return your body to balance now than it will be in a year or 5 or 10 years.

Who wants to feel less than optimum or perform less than your best? Who wants to experience chronic nagging issues that distract you from life. Feel and be your best with Corrective Chiropractic Care!

Chiropractic Helps You Be Your Best!

Ultimately, the best time for chiropractic is whenever you’re ready to prioritize your health. And by that, I mean: having a group of practices and routines that support your long term health..

If I’ve stirred your curiosity, if you are experiencing some of what are erroneously considered the consequences of aging and you’d like to keep performing your best in all areas of life then…


Just maybe….

It’s time to consider chiropractic as part of your health strategies and tools.

If you are in Nevada County here is a link to schedule your first visit at Life Chiropractic of Grass Valley Schedule Here