What Is a Chronic Back Pain Corrective Program? A Guide to Transforming Your Chronic Pain with the Corrective Rebalancing Program!

The goal of every chronic pain sufferer is to experience the freedom of being pain free

But with confusion about how to correct the pain causing problem, it can be hard to find a doctor with the skill set of correction so you can move past the limitations of your pain and return to a life free from the burdens of chronic neck or back pain

Oftentimes, it just comes down to changing the approach or strategies. So what hasn’t worked up until now is highly unlikely to work today or tomorrow.

Maybe you’ve been taking anti-inflammatory drugs or getting the occasional injection and wondering why your pain is slowly worsening

It can make you feel frustrated or scared

Today, you’re in luck! I’m going to share an approach that will help you start to take back control, release stored pain and tension, and start to return to the activities you are missing without the risks of drugs or surgery

I’ll cover The Corrective Rebalancing Program, how it works and how you can get started.

Keep reading for more details.

What Is The Corrective Rebalancing Program?

It aims to restore balance and alignment to the spine and pelvis, activate the critical Posterior Chain Muscles of Posture, and teach you how to regain and maintain pain free motion is the small facet joints of the spine

It doesn’t matter if you’ve suffered for 20 days, 20 months, or 20 years. The principles work. 

As I’ve said if you suffer from a chronic condition such as – neck pain, headaches, low back pain, sciatica, or anxiety this is for you. All chronic pain is an indication of imbalance that the body is unable to correct. By restoring greater balance you can move through life with less pain.

Why Is Correcting Imbalances so Important?

Statistics from the CDC show that more than 51 million people in the US suffer from chronic pain. 

It’s likely that the number is much greater since many suffer without seeking medical care or they have given up because the only treatment ever offered was dangerous medications. 

Unless you address the underlying imbalances and cause of the pain not only does it not improve, but over time it results in the development of degenerative arthritis.

By implementing The Corrective Rebalancing Program, you’ll be able to move with less pain and increase your activity level or do so with comfort and ease


This way, you will slow down the degenerative process and enjoy your life pain free

Also, restoring balance gives you the ability to engage in your life with confidence and no longer suffer from doing the activities you love


That means you won’t have to take anti-inflammatories that have been shown to actually worsen arthritis.

Corrective Rebalancing Examples

If restoring balance sounds far-fetched or unrealistic, I get it.

I’m sure you’ve followed all the doctor’s recommendations – pain and anti-inflammatory medication, injections, physical therapy, maybe even surgery and you still find yourself in pain.  If this works they why the *&$# hasn’t anyone offered it before?

So I put together the examples below to break it down for you so you can easily understand how this works. Here are a few stories and descriptions of the process.

Example #1. Chronic Hip Pain of 10 Years!

This is the story of a patient in my office. She came to see me with debilitating hip pain for 10 years. It had forced her to give up running and other activities and she experienced pain every single day.

She had been to her primary care physician who told her she had hip arthritis and referred her to an orthopedic surgeon. He took x-rays and an MRI of her hip and offered injections. NOt seeing the benefit of that approach she came to see me. 

I never want to repeat what hasn’t previously worked so I looked for the cause of her problem. Her examination revealed an irritation of the nerves in her low back that go into the hip and leg. X-rays of the lumbar spine confirmed a problem.  The hip pain was real but the primary cause was the lower lumbar spine. 

Although this may seem like an unusual example, it’s actually pretty common. You can’t correct a problem unless you find the cause. Most pain in the body comes from an area above or below or to the right or left of where the pain is experienced. 

Plus, it’s a lot easier working in an area not in severe pain. After about a month of restoring balance to her lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip she experienced more relief than she had in 10 years. She still comes in every few weeks to stabilize the area but she is back running and doing all the activities she loves.

That means that we have slowed down that degenerative process that her doctor called hip arthritis and the chance of needing hip surgery is now in the far off future if ever.

Example #2. Neck Pain, Migraines, and Anxiety

The more you can remove nerve interference and bring the body back into balance, the faster it will be to experience a significant shift in your chronic symptoms

That’s where this story of neck pain, migraines and anxiety comes in.

Over 90% of the illness and disease we experience is related to stress. The impact of stress is that it disturbs the balance of the autonomic nervous system. We shift into living in a state of survival or “fight or flight”.

For example a recent patient came to the office with issues of neck pain, neck tightness, migraine headaches, and a frequent experience of anxiety.

The best way to solve this problem is the same way to solve any problem, look for the cause. In this gentleman’s case most of the problem happened to be in his neck.  After a few weeks of care he was no longer experiencing neck pain, migraines, or anxiety. We are still working to correct the underlying problem but that illustrates the power of the body if you remove the irritation and interference. 

Example #3. The Corrective Rebalancing Program

There’s a saying that goes something like this, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Most often problems arise after months, years, even decades of the body compensating for imbalances.

By the time it gets to this point the solution must address the original problem as well as the layers of adaptations and compensations. This is why I put together the Corrective Rebalancing Program and its 4 components.

#1 Corrective Chiropractic Care


  • Restores spinal alignment and prevents or slows the development of devastating spinal arthritis.
  • Provides headache, migraine, and neck pain relief through relieving spinal nerve pressure.
  • Provides muscle-melting, spine aligning, top-to-bottom back pain relief.
  • Improves mood and releases stored tension by balancing the autonomic nervous system and increasing blood flow throughout your body.


#2 Posterior Chain Activation


  • Relieves back pain and improves posture by decompressing the spine
  • Move more easily and gracefully by taking pressure off your joints and activating key muscles
  • Provides back pain relief by correcting the imbalances that come from sitting, hunching over screens, and other habits of modern life
  • Reverse the damage done from poor posture by activating the key muscles of posture, the posterior chain.


#3 Spinal Joint Flossing


  • Improves spinal joint movement and lubrication
  • Reverse damage from dysfunctional spinal movement patterns
  • Provides neck and back pain relief by reteaching your body proper spinal motion
  • Provides long term pain relief by rewiring proper coupled joint movements


#4 Stress Resilience Code


  • Effortlessly release stored tension and experience deep relaxation
  • Sleep better by down-regulating your Nervous System
  • Provides immunity from stress by rewiring your stress response
  • Improves your mood by increasing your Vagus Nerve function
  • Helps you take control of stress by learning to self-regulate


Tips for Chronic Neck and Back Pain Success

Here are a few tips to help you maximize your results with long term relief of chronic pain:

First, Find a Structural Solution

To achieve the best long term results, you have to continually work to bring the body back to balance and keep it there.

When you embrace the process of correcting imbalances you effectively put your focus on your ability to heal and recover.

Almost every other solution out there from Medications to Injections to Surgery and Physical Therapy is focused on relieving the pain. But, unless you correct the imbalance the pain relief is temporary at best.

For example:

Chronic neck pain, headaches, and back pain are mechanical problems causing neurological irritation. You can’t solve a mechanical problem with a chemical solution (drugs, injections). 

For better results, make sure you find a practitioner well versed in both the mechanical solution as well as the neurological correction. This way, you experience quick relief upfront and long lasting correction.

Next, Schedule Your History and Exam

When you correct the underlying imbalance and reinforce that balance so that it becomes your new baseline you experience dramatic changes.

In other words, you experience relief from problems that might have been with you months or years. 

To get started:

  • Look back at everything you have tried to deal with this problem that hasn’t worked.
  • Look for an approach that is different. No sense repeating what doesn’t work
  • Find a practitioner or guide tha knows this journey who can guide you.

Finally, Take Action.

Nowadays, people prefer simple done-for-you solutions because they aren’t ready to take responsibility and participate in their own care.

If you want to overcome your chronic pain,  you can’t overlook this crucial step. 

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been in pain for weeks or months or years. The best time to take the steps necessary to change it is now.

And if the idea of taking an active role in your recover makes you feel nervous, consider this: 

Passive care has been shown to increase the use of opioid pain medications and injections. 

That means if you don’t do your part, you’re likely going to get the same disappointing results you’ve had till now..

One thing you can do is schedule your first visit here: Schedule Here

Start  Today

I hope this guide on Chronic Neck and Back Pain Correction has been helpful.  If you take anything away from this guide, remember that pain is a sign of imbalance and without improving balance you stand little chance of correcting the problem.

The best way to move toward balance is to start with Corrective Chiropractic Caare, that way you can set yourself up for leaving your pain behind and resuming all those activities  you’re missing out on. So, what do you say? Are you ready to give it a go?

Now that you know the ins and outs of Correcting Chronic Neck and Back Pain, it’s time to grab your appointment and see what your initial exam shows.  An initial History and Exam is all that is needed to determine if you might benefit from Corrective Rebalancing.

Schedule your first visit at Life Chiropractic Grass Valley here: Schedule Here