Discover the 4 Incredible Benefits of Corrective Balancing Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has grown tremendously in the time I’ve been in practice. And, rarely does someone come into my office with a significant understanding or appreciation of what chiropractic can do and even more importantly how to use chiropractic. 

Think of chiropractic as a tool to use in your quest to perform your best, feel your best, do whatever brings you happiness and joy, and avoid any interruptions to your life. 

Like any tool it helps if you understand how to use it. Use a tool improperly and the results will likely be frustrating and disappointing. Use it properly and there’s a great chance the value of what you receive far exceeds the cost. 

Here’s a short post I did: Chiropractic Explained.

Here’s a fascinating peek into some little known history about chiropractic from the early 20th century: Chiropractic and the 1918 Flu Pandemic. A few of the insights from historical data from that time are:

  • 20 Million people died worldwide including 500,000 in the US alone
  • Statistics reveal that out of every 10,000 people treated medically 925 died (almost 10%) but…
  • Out of 10,000 people treated with chiropractic only 25 died…0.25%
  • Chiropractic reduced these people’s chance of getting sick and increased chance of recovery by 97%

The world was a much simpler place in 1918 and the stresses were fewer and less intense. But, the underlying mechanisms for this impact remain. Let’s explore and you decide for yourself. 

How Chiropractic Works

Everything you do in health should have an underlying philosophy of how you care for your body, what you are trying to accomplish, and what the short and longer term implications are. Corrective Balancing Chiropractic is founded on a philosophy with these 3 core tenets:

  • The human body is self-monitoring: this means your body is in a continual state of assessing thousands of chemical and physiological reactions and conditions. This ranges from pH, oxygen, glucose, hormones, neurotransmitters, and enzymes to breathing, heart rate, digestion, immune function and more. 
  • The human body is self-regulating: all the information from monitoring is used to make adjustments and changes every second of every day in an effort to keep the body in a state of balance or homeostasis.
  • The human body is self-healing: the body is in a continual state of repair and healing. It replaces dead and damaged cells, repairs damaged tissues, and defends the body against bacterial and viral infections. 

The next logical question we might want to ask is how does the body do all this and what division or system is responsible for this. The answer is that the brain and nervous system is responsible for coordinating all body functions.

What does chiropractic do?

Many people think of chiropractors as back doctors and while that is understandable it is very limited. Chiropractors work with the spine because it is the most common location of interference to the function of the nervous system. 

If the nervous system is responsible for coordinating and performing the tasks of monitoring, regulating, and healing then it only makes sense to help reduce any tension, irritation, and interference to its function. 

Would you agree?

What Does Chiropractic Help With?

Here is a short list of conditions that Chiropractic has been shown to help with:

  • Asthma
  • ADD
  • Autism
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Blood Pressure
  • Chronic Neck Pain
  • Colic
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Degenerative Joint Disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux
  • Headache
  • Immune Function
  • Infertility
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Radiculopathy
  • Stress 
  • Vertigo
  • Whiplash

That’s a very partial list but hopefully you’re getting a sense of something more extensive than short term back pain relief. Now let’s explore the potential benefits of Corrective Balancing Chiropractic Care.

4 Incredible Benefits of Corrective Balancing Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic is incredibly powerful and it can be used in a number of ways for very different outcomes. Many people and many chiropractors limit their use of chiropractic to short term neck and back pain relief. This is incredibly short sighted.

The biggest downside to using chiropractic for pain relief only is that it ignores the underlying imbalance causing the pain and does nothing to change the course of that imbalance. What is that course? 

Left uncorrected the imbalances causing neck and back pain progress into degenerative arthritis that is irreversible. It is also largely preventable. 

Incredible Benefit #1: Structural Balance – there is an intimate relationship between structure and function. When the skeletal structure of the body is out of balance – pelvis unlevel, shoulders unlevel, head unlevel, reduction or increase in spinal curves – stress is transmitted to the delicate nervous system. 

Correcting structural imbalances is the first priority in helping the body and the nervous system return to balance. 

Incredible Benefit #2: Spinal Joint Function – the purpose of a joint is to provide movement. In the spine when proper joint motion is lost there is a cascade of events that follows. Restricted joint motion leads to…

  • Excessive and uneven pressure on joints
  • Progressive wear and tear leading to…
  • Degenerative arthritis and…
  • Nervous system tension, pressure, irritation, and interference

Restoring proper spinal and pelvic joint motion returns the body to a greater state of ease and improves neurological function.

Incredible Benefit #3: Reduced Brainstem Pressure – the brainstem in the upper neck is the control center for most body functions essential to the preservation of health and wellbeing:

  • Heart rate and blood pressure
  • Breathing
  • Immune function
  • Hormone production and balance
  • Inflammation level
  • Repair and healing
  • Quality sleep

Attention to the cervical spine, especially the upper neck as well as the pelvis is essential to reducing tension and pressure to the brainstem and normalizing function of the Autonomic Nervous System. 

Incredible Benefit #4: Maintaining a State of Balance: the greatest benefits of chiropractic come not from the relief of pain but from maintaining the body in a state of the greatest degree of balance possible. This allows the nervous system to focus on its critical functions and reduces sources of tension that drives pain, inflammation, and degeneration. 

You get to decide what you want for your health. Health is built and supported by the actions you take day in and day out, week in and week out. Our culture has led us to believe we are healthy until we feel sick and then the solution lies in a drug or surgery. 

Your health is analogous to a garden. You must tend to it on a regular basis with how you live and how you care for your body. 

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